Services for Children


Life can be difficult.

Parenting is a complex and often difficult job. Children differ emotionally, based on their biology and temperament, their place in the family, and the culture and experience to which they have to adapt.

Sometimes children are caught in the middle of a parental conflict, or are highly sensitive to the stresses of family life, or may react strongly to other environments such as school.

If your child is behaving in a way that concerns you, a consultation can help you assess whether the behavior that worries you is within the wide range of “normal” or whether it signals a problem that needs attention.  Psychological testing may also clarify the strengths and challenges for each child.

Our multi-disciplinary team will tailor an approach specific to your child’s needs. You can expect a thorough evaluation that incorporates input from both child and parents.

Some problems are worked out best when all members of the family (even the children who are seen as problem free) join in therapy sessions. Other children and other problems may respond better in individual therapy, where the child has time and space, apart from the family, to work on issues that may be getting in the way of development. Our therapists will approach each child with respect for the family’s values and faith tradition.

With both adolescents and younger children, parents should expect feedback from the psychotherapist about his or her evaluation of the child. The therapists will share concerns about the child and suggest ways to improve difficult parent-child relationships. With adolescents, the question of what information is shared with the parents and what information will be considered private is carefully worked out with all concerned. The therapist is often asked to coordinate care with primary doctors, schools and other community resources.







7 BLANCHARD CIRCLE • SUITE 201 • WHEATON, IL 60189 • TEL: 630.653.2300 • FAX: 630.653.2895

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